package in.lib.utils; import android.os.Parcel; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.List; import in.model.base.Model; public class SerialWriterUtil { private Parcel parcelObject; private DataOutputStream streamOutputObject; public SerialWriterUtil(Parcel parcel) { this.parcelObject = parcel; } public SerialWriterUtil(DataOutputStream stream) { this.streamOutputObject = stream; } public synchronized void writeBoolean(boolean value) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException { if (parcelObject != null) { parcelObject.writeByte(value ? (byte)1 : (byte)0); } else if (streamOutputObject != null) { streamOutputObject.writeBoolean(value); } else { throw new IllegalAccessException("No object to read from"); } } public synchronized void writeByte(byte value) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException { if (parcelObject != null) { parcelObject.writeByte(value); } else if (streamOutputObject != null) { streamOutputObject.writeByte(value); } else { throw new IllegalAccessException("No object to read from"); } } public synchronized void writeInt(int value) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException { if (parcelObject != null) { parcelObject.writeInt(value); } else if (streamOutputObject != null) { streamOutputObject.writeInt(value); } else { throw new IllegalAccessException("No object to read from"); } } public synchronized void writeLong(long value) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException { if (parcelObject != null) { parcelObject.writeLong(value); } else if (streamOutputObject != null) { streamOutputObject.writeLong(value); } else { throw new IllegalAccessException("No object to read from"); } } public synchronized void writeDouble(double value) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException { if (parcelObject != null) { parcelObject.writeDouble(value); } else if (streamOutputObject != null) { streamOutputObject.writeDouble(value); } else { throw new IllegalAccessException("No object to read from"); } } public synchronized void writeFloat(float value) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException { if (parcelObject != null) { parcelObject.writeFloat(value); } else if (streamOutputObject != null) { streamOutputObject.writeFloat(value); } else { throw new IllegalAccessException("No object to read from"); } } public synchronized void writeString(String value) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException { if (parcelObject != null) { parcelObject.writeString(value); } else if (streamOutputObject != null) { streamOutputObject.writeBoolean(value == null); if (value != null) { streamOutputObject.writeUTF(value); } } else { throw new IllegalAccessException("No object to read from"); } } public synchronized void writeStringList(List<String> value) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException { if (value == null) { writeInt(-1); } else { writeInt(value.size()); for (String str : value) { writeString(str); } } } public synchronized void writeSerializable(Serializable value) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException { if (parcelObject != null) { parcelObject.writeSerializable(value); } else if (streamOutputObject != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8192); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); oos.writeObject(value); streamOutputObject.writeInt(bos.size()); streamOutputObject.write(bos.toByteArray()); } else { throw new IllegalAccessException("No object to read from"); } } public synchronized void writeModel(Model value) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException { writeBoolean(value == null); if (value != null) { value.write(this); } } public synchronized void writeArrayList(List value) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException { ParameterizedType superclass = (ParameterizedType)value.getClass().getGenericSuperclass(); Type[] types = superclass.getActualTypeArguments(); Class<?> actualType = null; if (types != null && types.length > 0 && (types[0] instanceof Class<?>)) { actualType = (Class<?>)types[0]; } writeString(actualType.getName()); writeInt(value.size()); for (Object o : value) { if (o instanceof String) { writeString((String)o); } } } public synchronized void writeModelList(List<? extends Model> value) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException { if (value == null) { writeInt(-1); } else { writeInt(value.size()); for (Model model : value) { writeModel(model); } } } }